package exercises; import java.util.*; import gov.nasa.jpf.*; import gov.nasa.jpf.util.*; import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.*; import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.*; import*; public class ChristmasListener extends PropertyListenerAdapter { /** * Just an immutable "constant array" tag. */ private static class ConstTag {} /// We only need one tag. private static final ConstTag tag = new ConstTag(); /// Descriptor for the initialization method MethodSpec initSpec; /// Error string String error; /** * Parse configuration and get what we are interested in. * @param conf JPF-Configuration. */ public ChristmasListener(Config conf) { String init = conf.getString("cl.init"); if (init == null) throw conf.exception("Missing cl.init"); initSpec = MethodSpec.createMethodSpec(init); if (initSpec == null) throw conf.exception("Bad cl.init"); } /** * The JVM just executed an instruction and notifies us about it. If this * instruction was a write into a field we are interested in, do a null * check. * @param vm JPF-JVM */ public void instructionExecuted(JVM vm) { Instruction insn = vm.getLastInstruction(); ThreadInfo ti = vm.getLastThreadInfo(); if (insn instanceof ARETURN) { MethodInfo mi = insn.getMethodInfo(); if (initSpec.matches(mi)) flagReturn( (ElementInfo) ((ARETURN) insn).getReturnValue(ti), ti); } else if (insn instanceof ArrayStoreInstruction) { checkMarked(vm, (ArrayStoreInstruction) insn, ti); } } private void flagReturn(ElementInfo arrayInfo, ThreadInfo ti) { if (arrayInfo.isArray()) { /* This is a bug in JPF! arrayInfo.isReferenceArray() should return true. */ if (/*arrayInfo.isReferenceArray()*/ arrayInfo.getFields() instanceof ReferenceArrayFields) { System.err.println("Flagging multidim array"); // Handle multi-dimensional arrays for (int i = 0; i < arrayInfo.arrayLength(); ++i) flagReturn( ti.getElementInfo(arrayInfo.getReferenceElement(i)), ti); } System.err.println("Flagging array"); arrayInfo.addObjectAttr(tag); } } private void checkMarked(JVM vm, ArrayStoreInstruction store, ThreadInfo ti) { int arr = store.getArrayRef(ti); ElementInfo ei = ti.getElementInfo(arr); if (ei.hasObjectAttr(ConstTag.class)) { storeError(vm, store); vm.breakTransition(); } } /** * Store an error message. * @param vm JPF-JVM * @param insn Array store instruction that wrote a value into a constant field */ private void storeError(JVM vm, ArrayStoreInstruction insn) { ThreadInfo ti = vm.getLastThreadInfo(); MethodInfo mi = insn.getMethodInfo(); error = String.format("function %s assigned to a value to a constant array in thread %s at %s", mi.getLongName(), ti.getName(), insn.getSourceLocation()); } public boolean check(Search search, JVM vm) { return error == null; } public String getErrorMessage() { return error; } public void reset() { error = null; } }