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Template file for sheet 6 exercise 3

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//package de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.smtinterpol;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.AnnotatedTerm;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.ApplicationTerm;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.ConstantTerm;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.FormulaUnLet;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.FunctionSymbol;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.LetTerm;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.NoopScript;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.QuantifiedFormula;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Rational;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.SMTLIBException;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Sort;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Term;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.TermTransformer;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.TermVariable;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Theory;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Theory.SolverSetup;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.smtinterpol.convert.SMTAffineTerm;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.smtinterpol.interpolate.Interpolator;
import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.smtinterpol.interpolate.Interpolator.Substitutor;

public class QuantifierEliminationTQ extends NoopScript {

	Theory mTheory;
	FormulaUnLet mUnletter;
	boolean mDebug = true;

	 * This is called when the smtlib-script says (simplify ...)
	public Term simplify(Term term) throws SMTLIBException {
		mUnletter = new FormulaUnLet();
		mTheory = this.getTheory();
		debug("################ starting fresh simplify command ###############");
		debug("input: " + term.toStringDirect());
		HashMap<TermVariable, Term> innerMostQuantifiedFormulas = new HashMap<TermVariable, Term>();
		Term termWithPlaceholders = getInnerMost(term, innerMostQuantifiedFormulas);
		debug("innermost quantified formulas: " + innerMostQuantifiedFormulas.values());
		for (Entry<TermVariable, Term> entry : innerMostQuantifiedFormulas.entrySet()) {
			QuantifiedFormula qf = (QuantifiedFormula) entry.getValue();
			debug("treating subformula: " + qf.toStringDirect());
			boolean isForAll = qf.getQuantifier() == QuantifiedFormula.FORALL;
			assert qf.getVariables().length == 1;
			TermVariable quantifiedVar = qf.getVariables()[0];
			Term bodyInNNF = toNNF(isForAll ? mTheory.not(qf.getSubformula()) : qf.getSubformula(), 0);
			debug("computed NNF of formula without quantifier: " + bodyInNNF.toStringDirect());
			Term bodyNoNegationsOrLeq = eliminateNegatedAndLeq(bodyInNNF);
			debug("eliminated negations and greater/lower equal: " + bodyNoNegationsOrLeq);
			HashSet<SMTAffineTerm> extractedTerms = new HashSet<SMTAffineTerm>();
			Term bodyIsolatedVar = SMTAffineTerm.cleanup(isolateVarAndExtractTerms(bodyNoNegationsOrLeq, extractedTerms,
			debug("the formula with " + quantifiedVar + " isolated: " + bodyIsolatedVar.toStringDirect());
			debug("extracted the following terms from the formula after isolating " + quantifiedVar + ": "
					+ extractedTerms);
			HashSet<Term> termSet = computeTermSet(extractedTerms);
			debug("S_F:" + termSet);
			Term resultFormula = isForAll ? 
					toNNF(mTheory.not(buildFormula(termSet, bodyIsolatedVar, quantifiedVar)), 0) : 
						buildFormula(termSet, bodyIsolatedVar, quantifiedVar);
			debug("the result of the quantifier elimination: " + resultFormula.toStringDirect());
			resultFormula = mUnletter.unlet(resultFormula);
			Term simplifiedResult = makeTrivialSimplifications((ApplicationTerm) resultFormula);
			debug("the simplified result: " + simplifiedResult.toStringDirect());
			simplifiedResult = mUnletter.unlet(simplifiedResult);
			termWithPlaceholders = new Substitutor(entry.getKey(), simplifiedResult).transform(termWithPlaceholders);
		debug("overall result: " + termWithPlaceholders.toStringDirect());
		return termWithPlaceholders;
	void debug(String s) {
		if (mDebug)
			System.out.println("  -- debug: " + s);
	 * Extract the innermost quantified formulas in the given term, return a term where each one is replaced by a fresh
	 * TermVariable.
	private Term getInnerMost(Term term, HashMap<TermVariable, Term> result) {
		if (term instanceof QuantifiedFormula && 
				!(((QuantifiedFormula) term).getSubformula().toString().contains("exists") ||
						((QuantifiedFormula) term).getSubformula().toString().contains("forall"))) {
			TermVariable t = mTheory.createFreshTermVariable("placeholder", mTheory.getBooleanSort());
			result.put(t, term);
			return t;
		} else if (term instanceof QuantifiedFormula) {
			QuantifiedFormula qf = (QuantifiedFormula) term;
			if (qf.getQuantifier() == 0) {
				return mTheory.exists(qf.getVariables(), getInnerMost(qf.getSubformula(), result));
			} else {
				return mTheory.forall(qf.getVariables(), getInnerMost(qf.getSubformula(), result));
		} else if (term instanceof AnnotatedTerm) {
			return getInnerMost(((AnnotatedTerm) term).getSubterm(), result); //throwing annotations away..
		} else if (term instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) term;
			Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
			for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
				newSubterms[i] = getInnerMost(at.getParameters()[i], result);
			return mTheory.term(at.getFunction(), newSubterms);
		return term; 

	 * Convert a quantifier-free formula to NNF (Step 1).
	private Term toNNF(Term term, int noNots) {
		if (term instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) term;
			if (at.equals(mTheory.mTrue))
				return noNots % 2 == 0 ? mTheory.mTrue : mTheory.mFalse;
			else if (at.equals(mTheory.mFalse))
				return noNots % 2 == 0 ? mTheory.mFalse : mTheory.mTrue;
			else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mImplies)) {
				if (noNots % 2 == 0)
					return mTheory.or(toNNF(at.getParameters()[0], noNots + 1), toNNF(at.getParameters()[1], noNots));
					return mTheory.and(toNNF(at.getParameters()[0], noNots + 1), toNNF(at.getParameters()[1], noNots));
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mNot)) {
				if (noNots == 0)
					return toNNF(at.getParameters()[0], noNots + 1);
					return toNNF(at.getParameters()[0], noNots - 1);
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mOr)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = toNNF(at.getParameters()[i], noNots);
				if (noNots % 2 == 0)
					return mTheory.term(mTheory.mOr, newSubterms);
					return mTheory.term(mTheory.mAnd, newSubterms);
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mAnd)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = toNNF(at.getParameters()[i], noNots);
				if (noNots % 2 == 0)
					return mTheory.term(mTheory.mAnd, newSubterms);
					return mTheory.term(mTheory.mOr, newSubterms);
			} else { //past innermost boolean function
				if (noNots % 2 == 0)
					return term;
					return mTheory.term(mTheory.mNot, term);
		} else if (term instanceof LetTerm) {
			Term unletted = mUnletter.unlet(term);
			return toNNF(unletted, noNots);
		return term;

	 * Eliminate negations and lower/greater equal symbols (Step 2).
	private Term eliminateNegatedAndLeq(Term formula) {
		if (formula instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			if (formula.equals(mTheory.mTrue) || formula.equals(mTheory.mFalse))
				return formula;
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) formula;
			if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mAnd)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = eliminateNegatedAndLeq(at.getParameters()[i]);
				return mTheory.and(newSubterms);
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mOr)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = eliminateNegatedAndLeq(at.getParameters()[i]);
				return mTheory.or(newSubterms);	
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mNot)) {
				ApplicationTerm negatedAt = (ApplicationTerm) at.getParameters()[0];
				Term s = negatedAt.getParameters()[0];
				Term t = negatedAt.getParameters()[1];
				if (negatedAt.getFunction().getName() == "=") {
					return mTheory.or(
							mTheory.term(">", s, t), 
							mTheory.term(">", t, s));
				} else if (negatedAt.getFunction().getName() == "<=") {
					return	mTheory.term(">", s, t); 					
				} else if (negatedAt.getFunction().getName() == "<") {
					return mTheory.or(
							mTheory.term(">", s, t), 
							mTheory.equals(s, t));
				} else if (negatedAt.getFunction().getName() == ">=") {
					return	mTheory.term(">", t, s); 					
				} else if (negatedAt.getFunction().getName() == ">") {
					return mTheory.or(
							mTheory.term(">", t, s), 
							mTheory.equals(t, s));
			} else { //should have a non-negated (in)equality
				Term s = at.getParameters()[0];
				Term t = at.getParameters()[1];
				if (at.getFunction().getName() == "=") {
					return at;
				} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "<=") {
					return mTheory.or(
							mTheory.term(">", t, s), 
							mTheory.equals(t, s));
				} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "<") {
					return	mTheory.term(">", t, s); 					
				} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == ">=") {
					return mTheory.or(
							mTheory.term(">", s, t), 
							mTheory.equals(s, t));
				} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == ">") {
					return	mTheory.term(">", s, t); 					
		return formula;

	 * Bring the quantified variable to one side in each (in)equality (Step 3), also pick up the terms on the other
	 * sides.
	 * @param formula the input formula
	 * @param extractedTerms when we have isolated the quantified variable, we can collect the "other" term and write it
	 * here
	 * @param quantifiedVar the variable to isolate
	 * @return the formula where quantifiedVar is isolated
	private Term isolateVarAndExtractTerms(Term formula, HashSet<SMTAffineTerm> extractedTerms,
			TermVariable quantifiedVar) {
		if (formula instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) formula;
			if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mAnd)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = isolateVarAndExtractTerms(at.getParameters()[i], extractedTerms, quantifiedVar);
				return mTheory.term(mTheory.mAnd, newSubterms);
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mOr)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = isolateVarAndExtractTerms(at.getParameters()[i], extractedTerms, quantifiedVar);
				return mTheory.term(mTheory.mOr, newSubterms);	
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == ">" || at.getFunction().getName() == "=") {
				Term left = at.getParameters()[0];
				Term right = at.getParameters()[1];
				SMTAffineTerm affineTermLeft = toAffineTerm(left);
				SMTAffineTerm affineTermRight = toAffineTerm(right);
				//fill in here:
				// the situation is: (functionsymbol affineTermLeft affineTermRight) with functionSymbol in {"=",">"} 
				// you need to isolate quantifiedVar on one side (as in step 2)
				// also remember to fill extractedTerms when you have computed the term on the other side
				// make sure to read about SMTAffineTerms in the readme or in the corresponding class
		return formula;
	 * Combine all the parts to get the quantifier-free subformula and return it (Step 4).
	private Term buildFormula(HashSet<Term> termSet, Term bodyIsolatedVar, TermVariable quantifiedVariable) {
		ArrayList<Term> resultFormulas = new ArrayList<Term>();
		//build left and right infinite projections
		resultFormulas.add(buildProjection(bodyIsolatedVar, quantifiedVariable, true));
		resultFormulas.add(buildProjection(bodyIsolatedVar, quantifiedVariable, false));
		//build the disjuncts
		for (Term t : termSet) 
			resultFormulas.add(mTheory.let(quantifiedVariable, t, bodyIsolatedVar));
		Term[] resultFormulasArray = new Term[resultFormulas.size()];
		return SMTAffineTerm.cleanup(mTheory.or(resultFormulasArray));

	 * Build the left or right infinite projection.
	 * @param formula the formula F[x]
	 * @param quantifiedVariable the quantifiedVariable "x"
	 * @param left true if we want the left infinite projection, false if we want the right infinite projection
	 * @return the projection formula
	private Term buildProjection(Term formula,
			TermVariable quantifiedVariable, boolean left) {
		if (formula instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			if (formula.equals(mTheory.mTrue) || (formula.equals(mTheory.mFalse)))
					return formula;
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) formula;
			if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mAnd)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = buildProjection(at.getParameters()[i], quantifiedVariable, left);
				return mTheory.term(mTheory.mAnd, newSubterms);
			} else if (at.getFunction().equals(mTheory.mOr)) {
				Term[] newSubterms = new Term[at.getParameters().length];
				for (int i = 0; i < at.getParameters().length; i++)
					newSubterms[i] = buildProjection(at.getParameters()[i], quantifiedVariable, left);
				return mTheory.term(mTheory.mOr, newSubterms);	
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == ">") {
				//fill in here:
				//you have a term (> at.getParameters[0] at.getParameters()[1]) and you need to
				//compute the left/right infinite projection if the flag "left" is set to true/false
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "=") {
				return mTheory.mFalse;
		} else if (formula instanceof LetTerm) {
			Term unletted = mUnletter.unlet(formula);
			return buildProjection(unletted, quantifiedVariable, left);
		assert false; //if we reach this location, the formula did not just contain and, or, >, =
		return null;

	 * Compute the set S_F of terms from a set of terms that have been extracted from the formula
	 * @param extractedTerms the set of terms
	 * @return the set S_F (without +- infinity)
	private HashSet<Term> computeTermSet(HashSet<SMTAffineTerm> extractedTerms) {
		HashSet<Term> result = new HashSet<Term>();
		//fill in here:
		//we have the set of terms occurring in the formula, and we need to compute
		//the set S_F from it
		return result;

	 * Try simplifying the formula by resolving (in)equalities over constants, and "or"s and "and"s with true or false
	 * @param formula the formula that is to be simplified
	 * @return the simplified equivalent formula
	private Term makeTrivialSimplifications(Term formula) {
		if (formula instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) formula;

			if (at.equals(mTheory.mTrue) || at.equals(mTheory.mFalse)) 
				return at;
			else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "or" || at.getFunction().getName() == "and") {
				boolean isOr = at.getFunction().getName() == "or";
				ArrayList<Term> trueSubTerms = new ArrayList<Term>();
				ArrayList<Term> falseSubTerms = new ArrayList<Term>();
				ArrayList<Term> nonTrivialSubTerms = new ArrayList<Term>();

				for (Term param : at.getParameters()) {
					Term simplified = makeTrivialSimplifications(param);
					if (simplified.equals(mTheory.mTrue))
					else if (simplified.equals(mTheory.mFalse))

				if (isOr) {
					if (!trueSubTerms.isEmpty())
						return mTheory.mTrue;
					else {
						Term[] ntsArray = new Term[nonTrivialSubTerms.size()];
						return mTheory.or(ntsArray);
				} else {
					if (!falseSubTerms.isEmpty())
						return mTheory.mFalse;
					else {
						Term[] ntsArray = new Term[nonTrivialSubTerms.size()];
						return mTheory.or(ntsArray);
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == ">") {
				if (at.getParameters()[0] instanceof ConstantTerm && at.getParameters()[1] instanceof ConstantTerm) {
					SMTAffineTerm s1 = SMTAffineTerm.create(at.getParameters()[0]);
					SMTAffineTerm s2 = SMTAffineTerm.create(at.getParameters()[1]);
					int compResult = (s1.getConstant()).compareTo((s2.getConstant()));
					if (compResult == 1)
						return mTheory.mTrue;
						return mTheory.mFalse;
				} else
					return at;
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "=") {
				if (at.getParameters()[0] instanceof ConstantTerm && at.getParameters()[1] instanceof ConstantTerm) {
					SMTAffineTerm s1 = SMTAffineTerm.create(at.getParameters()[0]);
					SMTAffineTerm s2 = SMTAffineTerm.create(at.getParameters()[1]);
					int compResult = (s1.getConstant()).compareTo((s2.getConstant()));
					if (compResult == 0)
						return mTheory.mTrue;
						return mTheory.mFalse;
				} else
					return at;
		} else if (formula instanceof LetTerm) {
			LetTerm lt = (LetTerm) formula;
			Term simplified = makeTrivialSimplifications(lt.getSubTerm());
			if (simplified.equals(mTheory.mTrue) || simplified.equals(mTheory.mFalse))
				return simplified;
				return formula;
		return formula;
	 * Take a linear arithmetic expression as a term and return an SMTAffineTerm with the same value
	private SMTAffineTerm toAffineTerm(Term term) {
		if (term instanceof ApplicationTerm) {
			ApplicationTerm at = (ApplicationTerm) term;
			if (at.getFunction().getName() == "+") {
				SMTAffineTerm result = SMTAffineTerm.create(Rational.ZERO, mTheory.getRealSort());
				for (Term param : at.getParameters()) 
					result = result.add(toAffineTerm(param));
				return result;
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "-") {
				SMTAffineTerm result = SMTAffineTerm.create(Rational.ZERO, mTheory.getRealSort());
				result = result.add(toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[0]));
				result = result.add(toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[1]).negate());
				return result;
			} else if (at.getFunction().getName() == "*") {
				SMTAffineTerm recResult1 = toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[0]);
				SMTAffineTerm recResult2 = toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[1]);
				if (recResult1.isConstant())
					return recResult2.mul(recResult1.getConstant());
				else if (recResult2.isConstant())
					return recResult1.mul(recResult2.getConstant());
					assert false;
			} else if(at.getFunction().getName() == "/") {
				SMTAffineTerm recResult1 = toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[0]);
				SMTAffineTerm recResult2 = toAffineTerm(at.getParameters()[1]);
				assert recResult2.isConstant();
				return recResult1.div(recResult2.getConstant());
			} else { //we have a constant
				assert at.getParameters().length == 0;
				return SMTAffineTerm.create(Rational.ONE, at);
		} else if (term instanceof ConstantTerm) {
			return SMTAffineTerm.create(term);
		} else if (term instanceof TermVariable) {
			return SMTAffineTerm.create(Rational.ONE, term);
		return null;
