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Winter Term 2020/21

On this page you can find all the courses offered by the chair of Software Engineering in the winter term 2020/2021 as well as respective slides and accompanying exercises.

Advanced Topics in Program Analysis (Seminar)

Program analysis is the research area that studies the automatic analysis of computer programs. The methods that are developed in this research area e.g., help programmers to understand complex programs, allow compilers to optimize their code, and enable computers to check the correctness of programs. In this seminar each student will study a research paper and give a talk in which he/she presents a summary of the paper.

Advanced Topics in Program Analysis (Seminar) - Read More…


In diesem Praktikum soll ein Softwareentwicklungsprozess, beginnend bei Anforderungserhebung über Entwurfsphase bis hin zur Implementierung, die Organisation der Arbeit innerhalb einer Gruppe und der Umgang mit komplexen Systemen erlernt werden. Die Teilnehmer werden von den Betreuern in Gruppen eingeteilt und müssen eine bestimmte Aufgabenstellung realisieren. Hierzu müssen sie sich selbst organisieren, die Anforderungen definieren, Arbeit geschickt auf Gruppenmitglieder verteilen und neue Technologien selbstständig erlernen.

Softwarepraktikum - Read More…

Cyber-Physical Systems I - Discrete Models (Lecture)

Model checking is a technique for the automatic verification of hardware or software systems. Given such a system and a specification of its intended behaviour, a model checker finds out whether the system satisfies the specification. Model checking has made enormous progress since its invention in the 1980s; today it is possible to verify entire CPU designs, and so all major microprocessor companies use and develop tools for this purpose. Software verification is more challenging than hardware verification and an active research topic (pursued at the chair for Software Engineering, for instance!). Recent years have seen interesting progress in this area as well. The industry has already started using these techniques to check, e.g., safety-critical embedded systems, and software libraries; yet, many research challenges, both theoretical and practical, lie ahead of us.

Cyber-Physical Systems I - Discrete Models (Lecture) - Read More…

Programmanalyse (Proseminar)

In this proseminar, we will study a selection of articles which can be considered classical (or fundamental) for the topic area program analysis. The articles have been published between 1938 and 2009 and some of the authors received the acknowledged Turing Award for their work. We will have weekly sessions starting early November (so not an "en bloc" schedule). The available topics will be introduced in the first session, together with the modus operandi (schedule, deliverables, grades).

Programmanalyse (Proseminar) - Read More…