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Marcel Ebbinghaus


Research Interests

At the moment: program verification, concurrent programs, commutativity / partial order reduction

Publications & Talks


  • (Talk) Detection and integration of conditional commutativity for concurrent program verification, at AVM 2024 [Slides]
  • (Talk) Fairness reduction for concurrent programs, at AVM 2023
  • (Talk) The Concept of Preference Orders for Concurrent Program Verification, at AVM 2022 [Slides]
  • Ultimate GemCutter and the Axes of Generalization, in TACAS 2022 (SV-COMP'22), together with Dominik Klumpp, Daniel Dietsch, Matthias Heizmann, Frank Schüssele, Azadeh Farzan and Andreas Podelski. [doi] [Slides]


I co-organize the following lectures:

  • Cyber-Physical Systems: Discrete Models (in the winter semester 2024/25)

Consultation Hours

Please send me an e-mail to make an appointment.