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(clear-all) (define-model visual-impedence (defvar *visuo-spatial* 'dirty) (defvar *spatial* 'left) (defvar *rel* nil) (defvar *time-visuo-spatial* nil) (defvar *time-spatial* nil) (defvar results nil) ; Example reasoning task is: ; Relational statement 1: 'o1 rel o2' ; Relational statement 2: 'o2 rel o3' ; Conlcusion to validate: 'o1 rel o3?' ; Start Simulation. ; Use 1 to simulate the retrieval of a mental model chunk ; Use 2 to simulate the retrieval of a relational inference chunk (defun start (theory) (setf results nil) ; 1 Feature (goal-focus g1) ; Simulate retrieval in mental model theory. ; Adding two mental model chunks. ; The first one represents the mental model of the first relational statement ; The second one represents the mental model chunk with the second relational statement integrated ; This is the declarative memory state after the model integration phase (if (= theory 1) (progn (add-dm (m1 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 axis rel1) (m2 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 p3 o3 axis rel1)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 2 Features (goal-focus g2) (add-dm (m1 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 axis rel2) (m2 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 p3 o3 axis rel2)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 3 Features (goal-focus g3) (add-dm (m1 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 axis rel3) (m2 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 p3 o3 axis rel3)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 4 Features (goal-focus g4) (add-dm (m1 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 axis rel4) (m2 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 p3 o3 axis rel4)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 5 Features (goal-focus g5) (add-dm (m1 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 axis rel5) (m2 ISA mental-model type result p1 o1 p2 o2 p3 o3 axis rel5)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ) ) ; Simulate retrieval in mental logic theory. ; Adding the two relational statements and one inference. ; This is the declarative memory state after the model integration phase (if (= theory 2) (progn (add-dm (r1 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o2 rel rel1) (r2 ISA relation type result o1 o2 o2 o3 rel rel1) (r3 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel1)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 2 Features (goal-focus g2) (add-dm (r1 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o2 rel rel2) (r2 ISA relation type result o1 o2 o2 o3 rel rel2) (r3 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel2)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 3 Features (goal-focus g3) (add-dm (r1 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o2 rel rel3) (r2 ISA relation type result o1 o2 o2 o3 rel rel3) (r3 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel3)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 4 Features (goal-focus g4) (add-dm (r1 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o2 rel rel4) (r2 ISA relation type result o1 o2 o2 o3 rel rel4) (r3 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel4)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ; 5 Features (goal-focus g5) (add-dm (r1 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o2 rel rel5) (r2 ISA relation type result o1 o2 o2 o3 rel rel5) (r3 ISA relation type result o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel5)) (run 10) (push (get-time) results) (reset) ) ) results ) (sgp :esc t :mas 3.4 :imaginal-activation 1 :trace-detail low ;:act t ;:ans 0.5 ) (chunk-type mental-model type p1 p2 p3 axis state) (chunk-type has-prop id f) (chunk-type goal state type) (chunk-type relation type o1 o2 rel) (add-dm (g1 ISA relation type conclusion o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel1) (g2 ISA relation type conclusion o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel2) (g3 ISA relation type conclusion o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel3) (g4 ISA relation type conclusion o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel4) (g5 ISA relation type conclusion o1 o1 o2 o3 rel rel5) (p51 ISA has-prop id rel5 f p51) (p52 ISA has-prop id rel5 f p52) (p53 ISA has-prop id rel5 f p53) (p54 ISA has-prop id rel5 f p54) (p55 ISA has-prop id rel5 f p55) (p41 ISA has-prop id rel4 f p41) (p42 ISA has-prop id rel4 f p42) (p43 ISA has-prop id rel4 f p43) (p44 ISA has-prop id rel4 f p44) (p31 ISA has-prop id rel3 f p31) (p32 ISA has-prop id rel3 f p32) (p33 ISA has-prop id rel3 f p33) (p21 ISA has-prop id rel2 f p21) (p22 ISA has-prop id rel2 f p22) (p11 ISA has-prop id rel1 f p11) (h1 ISA has-prop id o1 f h1) (h2 ISA has-prop id o1 f h2) (h3 ISA has-prop id o1 f h3) (s1 ISA has-prop id o3 f s1) (s2 ISA has-prop id o3 f s2) (s3 ISA has-prop id o3 f s3) (t1 ISA has-prop id o2 f t1) (t2 ISA has-prop id o2 f t2) (t3 ISA has-prop id o2 f t3) ) (p recall-model =goal> type conclusion - state stop ==> +retrieval> type result =goal> state stop ) )