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Exercise 7 -

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 * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 University of Freiburg
 * This file is part of SMTInterpol.
 * SMTInterpol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SMTInterpol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with SMTInterpol.  If not, see <>.
package de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic;

import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Class that represents a rational number num/denom, 
 * where num and denom are BigInteger.  This class also handles
 * infinity and NAN.  
 * Internally, the numbers are always kept in reduced form; the
 * denominator is always kept non-negative.  A zero denominator
 * with non-zero numerator indicates positive or negative infinity.
 * The number 0/0 is used to represent NAN (not a number).
 * Every operation that involves NAN gives NAN as result.
 * The non-obvious rules for ZERO, INFINITY, and NAN are:
 * <pre>
 * ONE.div(NEGATIVE_INFINITY).isNegative() = false  (no negative ZERO)
 * number.div(ZERO) = POSITIVE_INFINITY.mul(number.signum())
 * NAN.isIntegral = POSITIVE_INFINITY.isIntegral = true
 * NAN.floor() = NAN;
 * NAN.frac() = POSITIVE_INFINITY.frac() = ZERO;
 * </pre>
 * This class only uses bigintegers if either numerator or
 * denominator does not fit into an int.
 * @author Juergen Christ, Jochen Hoenicke
public class Rational implements Comparable<Rational> {
	 * The numerator if num and denom are in int range.
	int mnum;
	 * The denominator if num and denom are in int range.
	int mdenom;
	static class BigRational extends Rational {
		 * The numerator if num or denom is outside int range.
		BigInteger mbignum;
		 * The denominator if num or denom is outside int range.
		BigInteger mbigdenom;

		 * Construct a rational from two bigints.  The constructor
		 * is private and does not normalize.  Use the static
		 * constructor valueOf instead. 
		 * @param nom   Numerator
		 * @param denom Denominator
		private BigRational(BigInteger nom,BigInteger denom) {
			mbignum = nom;
			mbigdenom = denom;

		 * Return a new rational representing <code>this + other</code>.
		 * @param other Rational to add.
		 * @return Sum of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
		public Rational add(Rational other) {
			/* fast path */
			if (other == Rational.ZERO)
				return this;
			BigInteger tdenom = denominator();
			BigInteger odenom = other.denominator();
			if (tdenom.equals(odenom)) {
				/* another very simple case */
				return valueOf(numerator().add(other.numerator()), tdenom);
			BigInteger gcd = tdenom.gcd(odenom);
			BigInteger tdenomgcd = tdenom.divide(gcd);
			BigInteger odenomgcd = odenom.divide(gcd);
			BigInteger newnum = numerator().multiply(odenomgcd)
			BigInteger newdenom = tdenom.multiply(odenomgcd);
			return valueOf(newnum, newdenom);

		 * Returns a new rational equal to <code>-this</code>.
		 * @return <code>-this</code>
		public Rational negate() {
			return Rational.valueOf(mbignum.negate(), mbigdenom);

		 * Return a new rational representing <code>this * other</code>.
		 * @param other Rational to multiply.
		 * @return Product of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
		public Rational mul(Rational other) {
			/* fast path */
			if (other == Rational.ONE)
				return this;
			if (other == Rational.ZERO)
				return other;
			if (other == Rational.MONE)
				return this.negate();

			BigInteger newnum = numerator().multiply(other.numerator());
			BigInteger newdenom = denominator().multiply(other.denominator());
			return valueOf(newnum, newdenom);

		 * Return a new rational representing <code>this * other</code>.
		 * @param other big integer to multiply.
		 * @return Product of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
		public Rational mul(BigInteger other) {
			if (other.bitLength() < 2) {
				/* fast path */
				int oint = other.intValue();
				if (oint == 1)
					return this;
				if (oint == -1)
					return this.negate();
				if (oint == 0)
					return Rational.ZERO;
			return valueOf(numerator().multiply(other), denominator());

		 * Return a new rational representing <code>this / other</code>.
		 * @param other Rational to divide.
		 * @return Quotient of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
		public Rational div(Rational other) {
			if (other == Rational.ZERO)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Division by ZERO");
			if (other == Rational.ONE)
				return this;
			if (other == Rational.MONE)
				return this.negate();
			BigInteger denom = denominator().multiply(other.numerator());
			BigInteger nom = numerator().multiply(other.denominator());
			// +-inf : -c = -+inf
			if (denom.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && other.numerator().signum() == -1)
				nom = nom.negate();
			return valueOf(nom,denom);

		 * Return a new rational representing <code>this / other</code>.
		 * @param other Rational to divide.
		 * @return Quotient of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
		public Rational idiv(Rational other) {
			BigInteger num = denominator().multiply(other.numerator());
			BigInteger denom = numerator().multiply(other.denominator());
			// +-inf : -c = -+inf
			if (denom.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && numerator().signum() == -1)
				num = num.negate();
			return valueOf(num,denom);

		 * Returns a new rational representing the inverse of <code>this</code>.
		 * @return Inverse of <code>this</code>.
		public Rational inverse() {
			return valueOf(mbigdenom, mbignum);

		 * Compute the gcd of two rationals (this and other).  The gcd
		 * is the rational number, such that dividing this and other with
		 * the gcd will yield two co-prime integers.
		 * @param other the second rational argument.
		 * @return the gcd of this and other.
		public Rational gcd(Rational other) {
			if (other == Rational.ZERO)
				return this;
			BigInteger tdenom = this.denominator();
			BigInteger odenom = other.denominator();
			BigInteger gcddenom = tdenom.gcd(odenom);
			BigInteger denom = tdenom.divide(gcddenom).multiply(odenom);
			BigInteger num = numerator().gcd(other.numerator());
			return Rational.valueOf(num, denom);

		public int compareTo(Rational o) {
			BigInteger valthis = numerator().multiply(o.denominator());
			BigInteger valo = o.numerator().multiply(denominator());
			return valthis.compareTo(valo);

		public boolean equals(Object o) {
			if (o instanceof BigRational) {
				BigRational r = (BigRational) o;
				// Works thanks to normalization!!!
				return mbignum.equals(r.mbignum) 
					&& mbigdenom.equals(r.mbigdenom);
			if (o instanceof MutableRational)
				return ((MutableRational) o).equals(this);
			return false;

		public BigInteger numerator() {
			return mbignum;
		public BigInteger denominator() {
			return mbigdenom;

		public int hashCode() {
			return mbignum.hashCode() * 257 + mbigdenom.hashCode();

		public String toString() {
			if (mbigdenom.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
				return mbignum.toString();
			return mbignum.toString() +"/" + mbigdenom.toString();

		 * Check whether this rational represents an integral value. Both infinity
		 * values are treated as integral.
		 * @return <code>true</code> iff value is integral.
		public boolean isIntegral() {
			return mbigdenom.equals(BigInteger.ONE);
		 * Return a new rational representing the biggest integral rational not
		 * bigger than <code>this</code>.
		 * @return Next smaller integer of <code>this</code>.
		public Rational floor() {
			if( denominator().equals(BigInteger.ONE) )
				return this;
			BigInteger div = numerator().divide(denominator());
			if( numerator().signum() < 0)
				div = div.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
			return Rational.valueOf(div,BigInteger.ONE);
		 * Returns the fractional part of the rational, i.e. the
		 * number this.sub(this.floor()).
		 * @return Next smaller integer of <code>this</code>.
		public Rational frac() {
			if( mbigdenom.equals(BigInteger.ONE) )
				return Rational.ZERO;
			BigInteger newnum = mbignum.mod(mbigdenom);
			if( newnum.signum() < 0)
			return Rational.valueOf(newnum, mbigdenom);
		 * Return a new rational representing the smallest integral rational not
		 * smaller than <code>this</code>.
		 * @return Next bigger integer of <code>this</code>.
		public Rational ceil() {
			if (denominator().equals(BigInteger.ONE))
				return this;
			BigInteger div = numerator().divide(denominator());
			if( numerator().signum() > 0)
				div = div.add(BigInteger.ONE);
			return Rational.valueOf(div,BigInteger.ONE);
		public Rational abs() {
			return valueOf(mbignum.abs(), mbigdenom);
	 * Construct a rational from two ints.  The constructor
	 * is private and does not normalize.  Use the static
	 * constructor valueOf instead. 
	 * @param nom   Numerator
	 * @param denom Denominator
	private Rational(int nom, int denom) {
		mnum = nom;
		mdenom = denom;

	 * Construct a rational from two bigints.  Use this method
	 * to create a rational number if the numerator or denominator
	 * may be to big to fit in an int.  This method normalizes
	 * the rational number.  
	 * @param nom   Numerator
	 * @param denom Denominator
	public static Rational valueOf(BigInteger mbignum, BigInteger mbigdenom) {
		int cp = mbigdenom.signum();//mbigdenom.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO);
		if( cp < 0 ) {
			mbignum = mbignum.negate();
			mbigdenom = mbigdenom.negate();
		} else if (cp == 0) {
			return valueOf(mbignum.signum(), 0); 
		if (!mbigdenom.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
			BigInteger norm = gcd(mbignum, mbigdenom).abs();
			if (!norm.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
				mbignum = mbignum.divide(norm);
				mbigdenom = mbigdenom.divide(norm);
		if( mbigdenom.bitLength() < 32 && mbignum.bitLength() < 32 )
			return valueOf(mbignum.intValue(), mbigdenom.intValue());
			return new BigRational(mbignum, mbigdenom);
	 * Construct a rational from two longs.  Use this method
	 * to create a rational number.  This method normalizes
	 * the rational number and may return a previously created
	 * one.   
	 * This method does not work if called with value 
	 * Long.MIN_VALUE.
	 * @param nom   Numerator.
	 * @param denom Denominator.
	public static Rational valueOf(long newnum, long newdenom) {
		if (newdenom != 1) {
			long gcd2 = Math.abs(gcd(newnum, newdenom));
			if (gcd2 == 0)
				return NAN;
			if (newdenom < 0)
				gcd2 = -gcd2;
			newnum /= gcd2;
			newdenom /= gcd2;
		if (newdenom == 1) {
			if (newnum == 0)
				return ZERO;
			if (newnum == 1)
				return ONE;
			if (newnum == -1)
				return MONE;
		} else if (newdenom == 0) {
			if (newnum == 1)
		if (Integer.MIN_VALUE <= newnum && newnum <= Integer.MAX_VALUE
			&& newdenom <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
			return new Rational((int) newnum, (int) newdenom);
		return new BigRational(BigInteger.valueOf(newnum), 
	 * Calculates the greatest common divisor of two numbers. Expects two 
	 * nonnegative values.
	 * @param a First number
	 * @param b Second Number
	 * @return Greatest common divisor
	static int gcd(int a,int b) {
		/* This is faster for integer */
		//assert(a >= 0 && b >= 0);
		while (b != 0) {
			int t = a % b;
			a = b;
			b = t;
		return a;
	 * Calculates the greatest common divisor of two numbers. Expects two 
	 * nonnegative values.
	 * @param a First number
	 * @param b Second Number
	 * @return Greatest common divisor
	static long gcd(long a,long b) {
		/* This is faster for longs on 32-bit architectures */
		if (a == 0 || b == 1)
			return b;
		if (b == 0 || a == 1)
			return a;
		if (a < 0) a = -a;
		if (b < 0) b = -b;
		int ashift = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(a);
		int bshift = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(b);
		a >>= ashift;
		b >>= bshift;
		while (a != b) {
			long t;
			if (a < b) {
				t = b - a;
				b = a;
			} else {
				if (b == 1) {a = b;break;}
				t = a - b;
			do {
				t >>= 1;
			} while (((int) t & 1) == 0);
			a = t;
		return a << Math.min(ashift, bshift);
	public static BigInteger gcd(BigInteger i1, BigInteger i2) {
		if (i1.equals(BigInteger.ONE) || i2.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
			return BigInteger.ONE;
		int l1 = i1.bitLength();
		int l2 = i2.bitLength();
		if (l1 < 31 && l2 < 31)
			return BigInteger.valueOf(gcd(i1.intValue(), i2.intValue()));
		else if (l1 < 63 && l2 < 63)
			return BigInteger.valueOf(gcd(i1.longValue(), i2.longValue()));
			return i1.gcd(i2);

	 * Return a new rational representing <code>this + other</code>.
	 * @param other Rational to add.
	 * @return Sum of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
	public Rational add(Rational other) {
		/* fast path */
		if (other == Rational.ZERO)
			return this;
		if (this == Rational.ZERO)
			return other;
		if (other instanceof BigRational) {
			return other.add(this);
		} else {
			if (mdenom == other.mdenom) {
				/* handle gcd = 0 correctly 
				 * two INFINITYs with same sign give INFINITY,
				 * otherwise it gives NAN.
				if (mdenom == 0)
					return mnum == other.mnum ? this : NAN;
				/* a common, very simple case, e.g. for integers */
				return valueOf((long) mnum + other.mnum, mdenom);
			/* This also handles infinity/NAN + normal correctly. */
			int gcd = gcd(mdenom, other.mdenom);
			long denomgcd = (long) (mdenom / gcd); 
			long otherdenomgcd = (long) (other.mdenom / gcd); 
			long newdenom = denomgcd * other.mdenom;
			long newnum = otherdenomgcd * mnum + denomgcd * other.mnum;
			return valueOf(newnum, newdenom);
	 * Returns <code>this+(fac1*fac2)</code>
	 * @param fac1
	 * @param fac2
	 * @return
	public Rational addmul(Rational fac1,Rational fac2) {
		return add(fac1.mul(fac2));
	 * Returns <code>(this-s)/d</code>
	 * @param s
	 * @param d
	 * @return
	public Rational subdiv(Rational s,Rational d) {
		return sub(s).div(d);
	 * Returns a new rational equal to <code>-this</code>.
	 * @return <code>-this</code>
	public Rational negate() {
		return Rational.valueOf(-(long)mnum, mdenom);		
	 * Return a new rational representing <code>this - other</code>.
	 * @param other Rational to subtract.
	 * @return Difference of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
	public Rational sub(Rational other) {
		return add(other.negate());
	 * Return a new rational representing <code>this * other</code>.
	 * @param other Rational to multiply.
	 * @return Product of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
	public Rational mul(Rational other) {
		/* fast path */
		if (other == Rational.ONE)
			return this;
		if (this == Rational.ONE)
			return other;
		if (other == Rational.MONE)
			return this.negate();
		if (this == Rational.MONE)
			return other.negate();
		if (other instanceof BigRational)
			return other.mul(this);

		long newnum = (long)mnum * other.mnum;
		long newdenom = (long)mdenom * other.mdenom;
		return valueOf(newnum, newdenom);
	 * Return a new rational representing <code>this * other</code>.
	 * @param other big integer to multiply.
	 * @return Product of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
	public Rational mul(BigInteger other) {
		if (other.bitLength() < 32) {
			/* fast path */
			int oint = other.intValue();
			if (oint == 1)
				return this;
			if (oint == -1)
				return this.negate();
			long newnum = (long)mnum * oint;
			return valueOf(newnum, (long)mdenom);
		if (this == Rational.ONE)
			return valueOf(other, BigInteger.ONE);
		if (this == Rational.MONE)
			return valueOf(other.negate(), BigInteger.ONE);

		return valueOf(numerator().multiply(other), denominator());
	 * Return a new rational representing <code>this / other</code>.
	 * @param other Rational to divide.
	 * @return Quotient of <code>this</code> and <code>other</code>.
	public Rational div(Rational other) {
		if (other == Rational.ZERO)
			throw new ArithmeticException("Division by ZERO");
		if (other == Rational.ONE)
			return this;
		if (other == Rational.MONE)
			return this.negate();
		if (other instanceof BigRational)
			return ((BigRational)other).idiv(this);
		/* fast path */
		long newnum = (long)mnum * other.mdenom;
		long newdenom = (long)mdenom * other.mnum;
		// +-inf : -c = -+inf
		if (newdenom == 0 && other.mnum < 0)
			newnum = -newnum;
		return valueOf(newnum, newdenom);
	 * Compute the gcd of two rationals (this and other).  The gcd
	 * is the rational number, such that dividing this and other with
	 * the gcd will yield two co-prime integers.
	 * @param other the second rational argument.
	 * @return the gcd of this and other.
	public Rational gcd(Rational other) {
		if (this == Rational.ZERO)
			return other;
		if (other == Rational.ZERO)
			return this;
		if (other instanceof BigRational)
			return other.gcd(this);
		/* new numerator = gcd(num, other.num) */
		/* new denominator = lcm(denom, other.denom) */
		int gcddenom = gcd(mdenom, other.mdenom);
		long denom = ((long) (mdenom / gcddenom)) * other.mdenom;
		long num = gcd(mnum < 0 ? -mnum : mnum,
				other.mnum < 0 ? -other.mnum : other.mnum);
		return valueOf(num, denom);
	 * Returns a new rational representing the inverse of <code>this</code>.
	 * @return Inverse of <code>this</code>.
	public Rational inverse() {
		return valueOf(mdenom, mnum);

	 * Check whether this rational is negative.
	 * @return <code>true</code> iff this rational is negative.
	public boolean isNegative() {
		return mnum < 0;
	public int signum() {
		return mnum < 0 ? -1 : mnum == 0 ? 0 : 1;

	public int compareTo(Rational o) {
		if (o instanceof BigRational)
			return -o.compareTo(this);

		/* handle infinities and nan */
		if (o.mdenom == mdenom)
			return mnum < o.mnum ? -1 : mnum == o.mnum ? 0 : 1;
		long valt = (long)mnum * o.mdenom;
		long valo = (long)o.mnum * mdenom;
		return valt < valo ? -1 : valt == valo ? 0 : 1; 
	public boolean equals(Object o) {
		if (o instanceof Rational) {
			if (o instanceof BigRational)
				return false;
			Rational r = (Rational) o;
			// Works thanks to normalization!!!
			return mnum == r.mnum && mdenom == r.mdenom;
		if (o instanceof MutableRational)
			return ((MutableRational) o).equals(this);
		return false;

	public BigInteger numerator() {
		return BigInteger.valueOf(mnum);
	public BigInteger denominator() {
		return BigInteger.valueOf(mdenom);
	public int hashCode() {
		return mnum * 257 + mdenom;
	public String toString() {
		if (mdenom == 0)
			return mnum > 0 ? "inf" : mnum == 0 ? "nan" : "-inf";
		if (mdenom == 1)
			return String.valueOf(mnum);
		return mnum + "/" + mdenom;

	 * Check whether this rational represents an integral value. Both infinity
	 * values are treated as integral.
	 * @return <code>true</code> iff value is integral.
	public boolean isIntegral() {
		return mdenom <= 1;
	 * Return a new rational representing the biggest integral rational not
	 * bigger than <code>this</code>.
	 * @return Next smaller integer of <code>this</code>.
	public Rational floor() {
		if (mdenom <= 1)
			return this;
		int div = mnum / mdenom;
		// Java rounds the wrong way for negative numbers.
		// We know that the division is not exact due to
		// normalization and mdenom != 1, so subtracting
		// one fixes the result for negative numbers.
		if (mnum < 0)
		return valueOf(div, 1);
	 * Returns the fractional part of the rational, i.e. the
	 * number this.sub(this.floor()).
	 * @return Next smaller integer of <code>this</code>.
	public Rational frac() {
		if (mdenom <= 1)
			return Rational.ZERO;
		int newnum = mnum % mdenom;
		// Java rounds the wrong way for negative numbers.
		// We know that the division is not exact due to
		// normalization and mdenom != 1, so subtracting
		// one fixes the result for negative numbers.
		if (newnum < 0)
			newnum += mdenom;
		return valueOf(newnum, mdenom);
	 * Return a new rational representing the smallest integral rational not
	 * smaller than <code>this</code>.
	 * @return Next bigger integer of <code>this</code>.
	public Rational ceil() {
		if (mdenom <= 1)
			return this;
		int div = mnum / mdenom;
		// Java rounds the wrong way for positive numbers.
		// We know that the division is not exact due to
		// normalization and mdenom != 1, so adding
		// one fixes the result for positive numbers.
		if (mnum > 0)
		return valueOf(div, 1);
	public Rational abs() {
		return valueOf(Math.abs((long) mnum), mdenom);

	public final static Rational POSITIVE_INFINITY = new Rational(1,0);
	public final static Rational NAN = new Rational(0,0);
	public final static Rational NEGATIVE_INFINITY = new Rational(-1,0);
	public final static Rational ZERO = new Rational(0,1);
	public final static Rational ONE = new Rational(1,1);
	public final static Rational MONE = new Rational(-1,1);
	public static final Rational TWO = new Rational(2,1);
	public Term toTerm(Sort sort) {
		return sort.getTheory().constant(this, sort);
	public Term toSMTLIB(Theory t) {
		// Transform this rational to an SMTLIB term.
		BigInteger num = numerator();
		BigInteger denom = denominator();
		assert (!denom.equals(BigInteger.ZERO));
		if (denom.equals(BigInteger.ONE))
			return t.numeral(num);
		return t.term("/", t.numeral(num), t.numeral(denom));