CPACHECKER: A Tool for Configurable Software Verification
Configurable software verification is a recent concept for expressing
different program analysis and model checking approaches in one
single formalism. This paper presents CPAchecker, a tool and framework
that aims at easy integration of new verification components. Every
abstract domain, together with the corresponding operations, is required
to implement the interface of configurable program analysis (CPA). The
main algorithm is configurable to perform a reachability analysis on arbitrary
combinations of existing CPAs. The major design goal during
the development was to provide a framework for developers that is flexible
and easy to extend. We hope that researchers find it convenient
and productive to implement new verification ideas and algorithms using
this platform and that it advances the field by making it easier to
perform practical experiments. The tool is implemented in Java and runs
as command-line tool or as Eclipse plug-in. We evaluate the efficiency
of our tool on benchmarks from the software model checker Blast. The
first released version of CPAchecker implements CPAs for predicate abstraction,
octagon, and explicit-value domains. Binaries and the source
code of CPAchecker are publicly available as free software.
2011-cav-CPAchecker A Tool for Configurable Software Verification.pdf
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